Cuffing Season is Upon Us

Merriam-Webster defines cuffing season as "a period of time where single people begin looking for short term partnerships to pass the colder months of the year. Cuffing season usually begins in October and lasts until just after Valentine’s Day."
Baby, it's getting cold outside. Aka, your summer of flings is over. It’s time to pivot from showing skin outdoors, to showing skin indoors. But why is cuffing season, a season known for short-term relationships, broken hearts, and just a way to pass time, so commercialized? Why can’t we find love, grow it, and savor it?
Winter season gives us that extra craving for love. The extra fluff of desire to be wanted, needed, and to be held tight during those cold months. It’s the winter version of a summer fling… but why does society continue to capitalize off of seasonal love?!
Love is the four-letter word that changes it all. Love is a magnetic force. A force of nature. The intersection of nurture and nature. Finding love should be precious enough to fuel the desire to keep it once it is found.
Instead of fantasizing over summer flings and cuffing season, the focus should shift to seeking everlasting love. The love that you welcome into your heart and home with open arms. The love that hits you so deep because you are so complete and ready to embrace it. The love that is here to stay.
Fantasizing over short-term love has become too familiar. Turning a new page from short-term to long-term love is way more organic and worthwhile. Lovers, rejoice.